
Carlina Noguera

         Carlina Noguera - artisan Nua CollectionCarlina Noguera - artisan Nua CollectionCarlina Noguera - artisan     
Carlina Noguera is a Shuar woman from Macas, Morona Santiago. Macas is located in the Amazon region of Ecuador. She is a single mother of 2 boys and works from home. She used to have a small shop in downtown, but due to the pandemic, she was forced to closed her shop. Carlina works with beads (Chaquira, Cristal, Mostacilla)  and natural seeds (Entse, Cumbia, Karicri, Nupi, San Pedro) from the area creating amazing pieces of jewelry. She is very creative and is always willing to work on any special/custom requests.
Nua Collection has been working with her and our goal is to be able to provide a sustainable income so that she can support her sons and daily living expenses. Your support means a lot to us and to Carlina as these pieces of jewelry are part of her traditions passed down from generation to generation and hold a lot of sentimental value.
Recently, we joined forces with Carlina and Molly, her good friend from New Mexico. She organized a raffle to share more of her culture and thought this would be a fun way to let more people know about her. Below you can watch the interview prior to the raffle and also there's a video when the raffle took place.